marec 2015

Botswana - Heli-Safari - 9 Days


Day 1 - 4. Safari starts at the airport in Johannesburg (South Africa). The first stop of the helicopter, after more than a hour flight, is the capital of Botswana - Gaborone. After settling all legal formalities, the flight continues to the town of Maun. Most of the route runs over vast areas of the Kalahari Desert, where a bird's eye can see eland, springboki, gemsboki and ostrorogi. From Maun helicopter flies directly in the heart of the Okavango Delta - huge backwaters, canals, lagoons and islands were created by the mass of water that flooded every year in this desert place.

Botswana - Adventure in the Okavango - 5 Days


Visiting Botswana can not do without at least a brief stay in the Okavango Delta - the biggest natural attractions of the country. In the delta are tourist camp , included in the most luxurious and authentic safari camps in Africa. Almost all consist of tents arranged on wooden platforms. In order to know all the natural attractions of the Okavango Delta, you are advised to remain, at least two or three nights in the camp of terrestrial and aquatic.

Botswana - Delta, Desert and Savanna - 13 Days


Day 1 and 2. Departure by plane from the town of Maun to camp San, lying on the edge of the Makgadikgadi salt plains great being part of the Kalahari desert. They are among the largest in the world and are the remains of the great lake that millions of years ago was in the area. Guests can explore the area on foot or ATV, the dominant white gravel przemieszanej salt breaks here and there brown sunburnt grass. Representatives of the local fauna is mainly oryx, springbucks, hyenas and meerkats.

Botswana Explorer Safari


Day 1 and 2. Departure by plane from the town of Maun to camp San, lying on the edge of the Makgadikgadi salt plains great being part of the Kalahari desert. They are among the largest in the world and are the remains of the great lake that millions of years ago was in the area. Guests can explore the area on foot or ATV, the dominant white salt, przemieszanej with gravel, broken by occasional brown sunburnt grass. Representatives of the local fauna is mainly oryx, springboki, hyenas and meerkats.



Zambia is a country with an area of ​​752 thousand. km², situated in the southern part of Africa. Its population is approx. 10 million inhabitants. Capital city is Lusaka. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the area now Zambia came under British rule, and in 1911 was converted into a protectorate of Northern Rhodesia, gained autonomy in 1964 and under the name of Zambia was admitted to the United Nations. The basis of the economy, as in most African countries is agriculture, but are also mined gold, silver, uranium and emeralds.



Uganda is a former British colony that gained independence in 1962. The capital is the city of Kampala. Uganda, located in East Africa from the north it borders with Sudan; from the east - from Kenya; from the south - with Tanzania. Covers an area of ​​236 km² and 040 000 population has more than 23 million people. English is the official language (most newspapers out also in English). Natives communicate with the local language Ganda / Luganda.


South Africa


 South Africa is large and very diverse country. Its surface is 1 223 201 km 2. The ethnic diversity of the  "Rainbow Nation"  refers not only to the diversity of skin colors of South Africans, but also to the cultural diversity of nationalities living in this country.




Namibia where the dunes are mountaind is the soul of Africa! Characterised by vast open spaces, breathtaking scenery and great contrasts - ocean, dunes, mountains and deserts. This vast desert country of rolling dunes and swirling mists stirs the spirit and moves the heart. Namibia is so large and sparsely populated that it is possible to discover enormous open spaces without roads, towns, trees or even stones, just the lonely desert wind passing through one of the most enchanting corners of the earth.




Mozambique beckons with its coastline and swaying palms, its traditions, its cultures, its vibe and – most of all – its opportunities for adventure. This enigmatic southeast African country is well off most travellers' maps, but it has much to offer those who venture here: long, dune-fringed beaches, turquoise waters abounding in shoals of colourful fish, well-preserved corals, remote archipelagos in the north, pounding surf in the south and graceful dhows with billowing sails.



Land bathed in the hot African sun and the water flows around the Indian Ocean. Animals live here well known and instantly evocative of stories about Africa, while in their natural environment as seen by the few. Huge tracts of national parks and reserves in Kenya African elephants roam, black rhinos, buffalo, hippos, giraffes and zebras, as well as the great herds of antelope vigilantly watched by lions, leopards and cheetahs. In the skies over the vast expanse of grasslands can see the vultures, marabou, secretaries and ibises.



Botswana is a country with an area of ​​582 000 km². Its population is approx. 1.5 million inhabitants live in the capital Gaborone 144 000. The main languages ​​are English and Setswana. Approximately 17 per cent  area of ​​the country is national parks and 21 percent. This land is intended for the wild animals. After obtaining independence in 1966, Botswana has consistently relies on tourism, and therefore the local authorities really care about the effective protection of wildlife and nature.



Tanzanian island of Zanzibar is a large east coast of Africa. Inhabited for a thousand years - for the first time by the Persians - was over the centuries a Portuguese colony, Omani sultanate, the earth and the British crown - by just half a year - an independent state. Finally, along with the federation created Tanganyika Tanzania (the United Republic of Tanzania), which symbolizes the name formed from the initial syllables of the names of the two countries.



Established in 1964 with the merger of two former colonies: Tanganyika and Zanzibar. The land is almost three times higher than the Polish and is 948 087 square kilometers and is inhabited by almost 36 million inhabitants. The primary language used by the local population is Swahili, and the official language - English. The capital is the city of Dar es Salaam. Tanzania is one of the few African countries south of the Sahara, where a large part of the population (35 - 40 per cent.), are Muslims. On the island of Zanzibar Muslims is up 99 percent residents.

Svět podle Evy: Švýcarsko, ZEN magazine, Czech Republic

Země jako bonboniéra
životě jsou okamžiky, které když si
vybavíte, začnete se mile usmívat. Podobně
fungují i věci, jež jsou s těmi výjimečnými
momenty úzce spjaty. Šaty, které jste
si koupili v Římě, staré žabky, z nichž se vydrolí
jemný písek z poslední dovolené, anebo třeba
vůně opalovacího krému… Je léto a všichni s návalem
slunečního svitu mají lepší náladu. A i když
zaprší, víte, že ještě není všem dnům konec. Novodobí
nomádi prostě zažívají chvíle euforie!
Tentokrát jsem si sbalila malý kufřík a letenka

Nič nie je nemožné

see article

Eva Klejmová R E Á LN Y SVET, Slovakia

Dievča z reklamy štyri roky sa na strednej umeleckej priemyslovke sklárskej venovala dizajnu šperkov, štúdium výtvarnej kultúry na vysokej škole si nakoniec spestrila v dvadsiatich rokoch odchodom na Taiwan. Pre čo iné, ako pre umenie? Čínske umenie. Školu v Čechách však dokončila, stále ako študentka denného štúdia lietajúca každé tri mesiace hore-dole kvôli skúškam. Taiwan však Evu prijal „za svoju“ a ona si začala privyrábať ako modelka a herečka v televíznych reklamách. Malé šoty do televízií, veľké fotenia, zákazky od veľkých klientov.

Svět podle Evy: FRANCIE

Sladkoslaná Provence ednou jsem četla gurmánské revue, kde psali, že gurmán, který se dívá na kalorie, je jako prostitutka, která se dívá na hodinky. Toto přirovnání mi utkvělo v hlavě, protože jsem mu nikdy nerozuměla, anebo ten, kdo ho psal, měl o prostituci naprosto zidealizované představy. Nicméně s první částí souhlasím a upřímně přiznávám, že jsem se nedávným pobytem ve Francii doslova projedla. Můj kamarád má totiž přímo v srdci Provence 300 let starý statek, kam jsem se po dlouhém zvažování (asi 2 minuty) rozhodla vydat.

Cokoliv si přejete...

Svým způsobem má práci snů. Eva Klejmová spolu se svým týmem spravuje zážitkové portfolio klientů, v němž rozpočet je důležitý jen zřídkakdy a v hlavní roli je právě touha naplnit si pozemské (a někdy i trošku nadpozemské) sny. Nejmajetnější Češi si chtějí užívat svých peněz a ona ví, jak na to.

Mexická jízda

ozhodla jsem se na svátky odletět do
Mexika/Meridy, jenomže můj let z Evropy
byl natolik zpožděný (kvůli pohřbu
Václava Havla), že mi uletěl navazující let
z Houstonu, a tudíž jsem tam musela nocovat.
Druhý den (což byl den Štědrý) byl let do Meridy
vyprodaný, a tak mi nezbylo nic jiného než operativně
letět do Cancúnu. Navrch mi ještě aerolinky
ztratily kufr. Létat přes USA a Charles de
Gaulle je tak asi nastejno – i když jste
tam na čas, máte dvě jistoty: nestihnete
to a vaše zavazadlo se stoprocentně

Splní každé přání

see article

Nemožné ihned, zázrak zítra

Vším, čím jsem byl, byl jsem rád. Když nemůžeš, tak přidej. Co tě nezabije, to tě posílí. Štěstí přeje připraveným. Nevěříte-li, že všechny zmiňované slogany mohou vystihovat životní osudy a profesní dráhu jediné osoby, mýlíte se. Onou personou, nutno říci, že velmi atraktivní, je ředitelka J&T Consierge Eva Klejmová.

JT Noviny 2 Sept

see article

JT Noviny 1 Sept

see article

Splní přání dřív, než ho stačíte vyslovit

Každý víkend jiné auto, luxusní chalet s osobním kuchařem a masérem nebo
sledování Grand Prix Formule 1 z paluby privátní jachty. K tomu doprovod
partnerky na nákupy nebo objednání vstupenek na představení do milánské La
Scaly. To vše dokáže zajistit Eva Klejmová, ředitelka společnosti J&T Concierge.

Svět podle Evy: Itálie

Bokovka ve Florencii ak dlouho jste nebyli ve Florencii? Já zhruba dva roky, nicméně tentokrát si ji užívám zcela jinak. Ubytovala jsem se v hotelu Il Salviantino, úžasné vile na kopci asi 20 minut autem od centra. Ráno vyrážím na trh Piazza Lorenzo Ghiberti, Mercato S. Ambrogio, klasický italský trh uprostřed pulzujícího centra, který neztratil své kouzlo. Barolo sýry, fociacca, prosciutto, rajčata, ryby, čerstvé maso, pasta… prostě pastva pro oči i chuťové buňky. Tady si můžete dát úžasnou snídani a venku na milém náměstíčku pak kávu.

Svět podle Evy: Indonésie

Beton a bionetopýr evím, co je to za zálibu asijských zástupců turistických organizací, ale vždycky, když vás vezmou na city tour, ukážou vám to nejhorší. Je devět ráno a 30 ºC a vyrážíme prozkoumat Manado, hlavní město ostrova Sulawesi, které leží na pobřeží Celebského moře. Mám s sebou kromě zástupců asijských cestovek i pár ambasadorů z ministerstva turismu z Jávy, Manada a myslím, že je tu i Laos. Dereme se přecpaným městem k čínskému chrámu, prý nejstaršímu tady. Je z betonu a starý dvě stě let. Oprýskaný sloup a vedle toho lehce depresivní pokus o moderní kostel a kolem asfalt.

Svět podle Evy: Indie

Gándhí a jeho dům
Concierge J&T Eva Klejmová tentokrát píše o tom, proč je tak skvělé
být v Indii krávou, a starém přístavu, kde se zastavil čas.
Do Indie přijíždějí spousty lidí najít sebe
sama. Kontrast pompézních paláců, exkluzivních
hotelů, ašramů a slumů není
pro každého. Když tam chvilku cestujete a posloucháte
všechny příběhy o bozích, požehnání
a reinkarnaci, raději dáte peníze každému žebrákovi,
jen aby na vás neseslal neštěstí. Jeden známý
mě naučil, že když v Indii dávám almužnu, mám

Svět podle Evy: Filipíny

Osmý div světa

Proč se na Filipínách muži neotáčejí za dlouhonohými holkami, o maškarním v pětihvězdičkovém hotelu a příbězích 7107 ostrovů. Píše Eva Klejmová.

Celý týden se sem žene tajfun odněkud

z Tchaj-wanu. Je sice stále kolem 27 °C,

a to i večer, ale ten vítr nejen že mi zvedá

sukni až nad hlavu, ale je neustále doprovázený

tropickými slejváky! Sešla jsem se tu s kamarády

Forbes Lexus

See article

Svět podle Evy: Argentina

Země hříšného tanga

Eva Klejmová píše o nejúžasnější tančírně ve starém skladišti, starostovi, který je popovou hvězdou, a brodění v lagunách, kde si lebedí po krk namočené krávy...

Můj business lunch

Můj business lunch Noi restaurant text Stanislava Pecková foto David Neff, Mafra Eva Klejmová Pálivá. Pod názvem Kang Khew Wan Ped se skrývá pálivá kachna v omáčce z kokosového mléka s listy bazalky. Nejlepší thajská restaurace v Praze, srdcová záležitost i česká klasika. Pozvánku na business lunch představují dvě krásné manažerky, Eva Klejmová z J&T banky a Veronika Brázdilová z Telefóniky O2. Svůj tip nejen na pivo přidá také Zdeněk Kverka z klenotnictví Dušák. Noi resturant Víte, kdo je to flashpacker? Jedná se o výraz pro luxusního backpackera, tedy baťůžkáře.

Svět podle Evy: Afrika

<p>Vodopády objevil anglický cestovatel David Livingstone a nazval je podle britské královny Viktorie. V roce 1875 udělal jejich první mapu český cestovatel Emil Holub poté, co oblast řádně prozkoumal.
Kouř, který hřmí

Alpen Suite, Madonna di Campiglio


Luxury boutique hotel in the picturesque region of Madonna Di Campiglio, approx. 500 meters from the Righi - the central part of the town and 350 meters from Cinque Laghi ski lift. Consists solely of the apartments of a higher standard. Alpen Suite differs from other hotels exceptional attention to detail and the close attention they give to their customers.

Chalet del Sogno, Madonna di Campiglio


Luxurious, eco-friendly * hotel located in the heart of Madonna di Campiglio, one of the pearls of the Dolomites. The picturesque location of the hotel directly at the ski lift and close to the lake Laghetto di Campiglio is undoubtedly an asset at any time of the year. Location: Chalet del Sogno is located in the small town constituting winter sports center, just 25 meters from the ski lifts Spinale Express. Accommodation: The hotel offers just 18 luxury suites.

Madonna di Campiglio - Information about the resort


Small town and winter sports center located in the northern Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige, about 60 miles north of Lake Garda. The town is picturesquely situated in Val Rendena at an altitude of 1522 m above sea level surrounded by mountains - the Dolomites. It is most frequented by skiers prestigious ski resort with stunning views of the summit and slopes of Presanella Gruppo di Brenta. Paradise for less advanced skiers and supporters of the atmosphere of large resorts. Madonna Di Campiglio is known for, inter alia, held annually in alpine skiing competitions.

Grand Hotel Savoia, Cortina d'Ampezzo


Star Grand Hotel Savoia is an elegant historic building which has been completely restored, just 600 meters from the Faloria cable car. Location: located in the north-eastern Italy, in the Dolomites in the Veneto region in the center of Cortina D'Ampezo. Nearest airports: Venice Marco-Polo (160 km), Treviso Canova (130 km) Airport Innsbruck Austria (170 km) Verona Catullo (260 miles) Accommodation: The hotel offers comfortable accommodation in 135 rooms with panoramic mountain views. All rooms and suites have free wireless internet.

Cortina d'Ampezzo - Information about the resort


It is the most famous ski resort in Italy, often called the "Queen of the Dolomites" or "Italian Alpine Salon". The city hosted the Winter Olympics in 1956. Since then, the sports infrastructure, especially skiing is constantly modernized. In winter, Cortina is a favorite leisure activities of many famous Italian personalities, for which the magnet is great snow, great hotels, shopping malls and boutiques with the best fun in many local clubs and restaurants.

Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains, St. Moritz


Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains is located in St Moritz Bad, right at the Mauritius spring, the actual root of St Moritz itself. It is the only 5-star luxury hotel in St Moritz with direct access to the ski and hiking region of Corviglia – immediately opposite of the cable car station. The legendary Hahnensee ski run ends in front of the hotel and the cross-country ski runs of the Engadine ski marathon pass it too. Take advantage of the skiing rentals and school, ski services and the overnight deposit at the cable cars.

Badrutt's Palace Hotel, St. Moritz


Built in 1896, Badrutt's Palace (standard 5 * de luxe) has long been a hallmark of St.Moritz, this unique and world famous mountain resort. Guests Badrutt'a are people who highly appreciate good style, exquisite cuisine and discreet personalized service. St.Moritz offers excellent conditions for skiing (350 km of pistes), as well as the opportunity to practice a variety of summer sports. Location: Zurich - 30 minutes by plane, 3 hours. by car or train, a few minutes walk from the cable car to the top of Corviglia ski.

Kempinski das Tirol, Jochberg, Kitzbühel, Austria


Kitzbuehel - the legendary city located among the Austrian Alps. A place where tradition meets glamour. The perfect holiday location for young and old. Here, one can find a variety of sporting activities that can be done both in Winter and Summer. And the Kempinski Hotel das Tirol is the only “Leading Hotel of the World” in the area, located just ten minutes away from Kitzbuehel.

Kitzbühel - Information about the resort


It is one of the most popular ski resorts in the Alps. Mountaineers come here attracted by the excellent skiing conditions as well as the charm of this cosmopolitan town full of bustle and fun. Tourist traffic in the area began about 100 years ago and the first ski lifts appeared over 70 years ago. As you can see Kibzbühel has a long tradition in goszczeniu skiers and tourists. In the center of the lovely old town. Local pubs, cafes and restaurants offer a wide selection of Tyrolean and international as well as a variety of attractions including live music.

The Ritz-Carlton, Abama - Guía de Zamora, Tenerife


Sensational resort resembling a beautiful green oasis, with an extremely luxurious and elegantly furnished hotel complex with interesting architecture, surrounded by numerous pools. The Ritz-Carlton, Abama has won numerous awards: Michelin Star award for the best spa in Spain (2011), was also on the list of "Condé Nast Traveller" 100 best hotels in the world and the best resorts in Spain.

Secret Garden Villa, Morocco


Secret Garden is located in a beautiful part called the Palmeraie of Marrakech. It consists of 23 villas in the Moroccan style. Each of them has an area of ​​600 square meters and has 3 bedrooms with double beds. The hotel has excellent private Spa and Sauna hammamen, outdoor heated pool and terrace. This place is unique, thanks to the combination of traditional Moroccan hospitality and the highest standard of service. Guests can use the help of a butler. Palmier Spa occupies an area of ​​5000 square meters and is one of the largest in Morocco.

Finca Cortesin, Costa del Sol, Spain


In the heart of the Spanish Costa del Sol, between Marbella and Sotogrande on the shores of the Mediterranean is charming and extremely luxurious Finca Cortesin. Out of 32 000 m² located resort and numerous, extensive golf courses. Each villa has a terrace, bedrooms and private swimming pool. Everything is surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful flowers. Everything is very carefully designed to create a feeling of comfort and luxury combined with functionality. Finca Cortesin Hotel Golf & Spa has a lot of great apartments and villas. All are decorated in traditional Andalusian style.

South Africa - A paradise for golfers, 8 days


Rovos Rail offers a fascinating, nine day safari course, prepared for both experienced and intermediate players. In all the proposed sites are also organized an interesting activity for guests not golfers. This extraordinary journey begins in Pretoria and runs through the eastern part of South Africa Drakensberg cliff to Nelspruit. In the fields Leopards Creek golfers can play the first game or pay a visit to Pilgrims Rest - the village where there is a gold mine. Afternoon tea will be invited at the Royal Swazi Golf Club.

F1 Grand Prix Monaco



Unique and Exotic Wedding


With great joy we will arrange for you an unforgettable, romantic atmosphere of your wedding ceremony abroad, in the most beautiful parts of the world. Dream a bit. Start a Pinterest board and collect images and ideas that you love – a shortlist of destinations should start to reveal itself naturally. With that shortlist in hand, it’s time to look at the venues available in each destination. The world really is your oyster when it comes to getting married, and J&T Concierge puts it on a plate and hands you a fork.

Honeymoon Packages


Romance means different things to different couples, leading to a diverse range of honeymoon offerings, so it's important to choose the right destination. After all, that's the best way to keep the afterglow of a lovely wedding alive. This year there are a slew of newlywed-friendly getaways that are full of appeal, from an escape in wine country, to nights out in the big city, to the fail-safe secluded beach. Here are our picks for 2015's best honeymoon destinations, each with something extra to offer this year.

Skeleton Coast of Namibia


Conjures up mysterious visions of mist-enshrouded beaches strewn with bleached whalebones and rusted shipwrecks. Stretching from the south of Namibia up into Angola, the Skeleton Coast and its hinterland is a landscape of haunting beauty, a vast area of rolling sand dunes, expanses of uninhabited desert plains, fossil beds, unique geological formations, desert-adapted animals and strange vegetation.

Le K2, Courchevel 1850


Exclusive Hotel Le K2 in a convenient location, picturesquely situated on a hillside near the center of Courchevel 1850, offers the highest level of service and diverse amenities. It is perfectly integrated into the landscape and consists of a main building and neighboring villas forming a kind of village. The villas are scattered along the slope with a beautiful panoramic view of the valley. The elegantly furnished rooms offer first class comfort.



Cyprus lies in the eastern part of the Mediterranean, off the coast of Turkey and Syria. It is often said that it is the mildest and sunniest climates in the Mediterranean island. It is full of contrasts - Troodos mountains, covered with pine forests, you can find respite in the summer heat, while the coastal beaches are always bathed in sunlight. With numerous small villages, which look as if time had stopped them many years ago, adjacent to the modern recreational centers, designed for tourists from almost all over the world.

Private Hotel les Grandes Alpes, Courchevel 1850


Courchevel 1850 is an exclusive, family ski resort with fantastic trails for all skill levels. Ready to take one of the largest ski areas in the world that is Les Trois Vallées will be able to while in Grandes Alpes Private Hotel. It has a collection of 9 unique, ultra luxury apartments, offering the highest quality of service and meeting the expectations of its guests. Fine dining in the restaurant will satisfy any sophisticated tastes and expertly chosen by the sommelier wine from the extensive collection highlight the flavor of each dish, providing an exquisite feast for the palate.

Hotel Annapurna, Courchevel 1850


Annapurna is a luxurious and modern hotel, looking down south towards Slope Pralong, in a quiet and peaceful village surrounded by the mountainous slopes of Courchevel 1850. It towers over all the buildings of the four resorts of Courchevel, giving guests an incredible sense of freedom. The distance separating him from the bustling streets at his feet, they can overcome the free private minibus. In the evenings, guests will also be able to sit in the sleigh and move sleigh to the charms of the town.

Courchevel - Information about the resort


Located in the French Alps, Courchevel winter enjoys such great popularity as Côte d'Azur in the summer. The most prestigious ski resort in the world attracts among others the royal family and stars of cinema. Therefore, Courchevel is not only one of the most famous mountain resorts of France, but even the world.

Kuda Huraa Four Seasons, Maledives


Discover the charm of a small coral island lost among the immensity of the turquoise sea, where he covered palm thatched cottages sprout from the white beach sand, or rise up on stilts over the crystal waters of the lagoon, giving the true atmosphere of the Maldives. Meet the unusual blend of oriental cultures - from India to Saudi. See the overwhelming beauty of the immense ocean and immerse yourself in the cool breeze. Discover the wonders of the sea, picturesque islands emerge from its waters and fantastic world hiding beneath their surface.

Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru, Maledives


Five-star hotel on the island Vabbinfaru North Malé Atoll, situated at a distance of 20 min. speedboat ride from the international airport. Island is covered with tropical forest and is surrounded by white beaches and coral reefs, which are open to hotel guests only. The entire complex consists of 49 villas, of which more than half is located directly on the beach, others are located in a tropical garden, but also have a view of the ocean.

Benguerra Island, Mozambique


Benguerra is the second largest island in the Bazaruto Archipelago, located off the coast of Mozambique, which broke away from the continent several thousand years ago. The island is about 55km² and is famous for its beautiful, white, pristine beaches, great diving base - one of the best in the world and is also a paradise for fishing enthusiasts. There may be Member accommodation in one of the three types of bungalows. The Cabanas - romantic and elegant apartments built near the beach.

Fregate Island escape, Seychelles


In the middle of the Indian Ocean, on a distant tropical island in the Seychelles Frégate, sixteen ultra luxury built villa. It is surrounded by wonderful, sandy beaches and from the land inexhaustible exotic vegetation. Each villa offers its guests the highest level of privacy and comfort. Frégate Island is considered one of the least contaminated places on Earth civilization. Was once a pirate hideout. Today, przyjeżdżajż most esteemed guests here, attracted by the incomparable beauty of the island and its mild climate.

North Island, Seychelles


Imagine an island for storing rare species of fauna and flora, and the atmosphere of discreet luxury. Private, built away from the bustle of the world, superkomfortową villa, which offers a view of one of the most beautiful bays with clear, turquoise water. Is such a place exists? Yes, it's North Island, a tiny island in the Seychelles, niezamieszkiwana for over thirty years, now called by some a luxurious hideaway Robinson Crusoe. Here you will be really spoiled and feel much younger.

Mnemba Island, Zanzibar


The resort is located on a small private island at a distance of 4.5 km from the north-eastern tip of Zanzibar. Atoll island is surrounded by beautiful coral reefs, there are dive sites belonging to the best in the whole of Africa. Mnemba center, consisting only of 10 houses (ie. Bandas) is considered as one of the most romantic places on the east coast of Africa. An oasis of calm and exclusive offers total privacy to its guests. Can spend the whole day in a cushioned lounger on a white beach or swim in the warm and crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean.

Bangkok - Singapore, 4 days / 3 nights


Day 1 - Bangkok - Eastern & Oriental Express leaves from the station in Bangkok early evening. - The train leaves town and goes through the rice fields, villages, passing picturesque surroundings, during the journey will be served dinner. After your meal you go you to your compartment as amended by the steward in a cozy bedroom. Day 2 - Wang Po / Kwai - wake up early in the morning, do not miss the moment trains pass by Wang Po and the wooden bridge suspended on a giant cliff. To catch a breath train stops in Kanchanaburi.

VSOE Venice - Verona - Innsbruck - Paris - London


Day 1 Accommodation in the famous Venice Simplon - Orient - Express, waiting for Santa Lucia station in Venice. After a moment of free time, you will be invited to a dinner consisting of three courses, prepared by French chefs. After the meal, we invite you to an afternoon of relaxation in comfortable cabins with views of the Italian Dolomites and the Swiss Alps. Dinner consisting of four courses will be repeated for at one of the exquisite restaurants. You go to bed to my compartment now revised in a cozy bedroom.

Belmond Royal Scotsman - Introduction


Royal Scotsman train trip around Scotland are considered some of the finest train routes in the world, taking into account the values ​​of sites and luxury offered on board. All cabins are elegantly finished with a place to sleep and to relax while watching the beautiful countryside of Scotland. Each cabin has its own bathroom with shower, individually controlled air conditioning and a wardrobe-dressing room. Available to passengers are also stewards who are on duty throughout the journey.

A Little history of the Orient-Express


The name of the travel history of the Orient - Express has always been a symbol of luxury and elegance. Its stylish wagon passenger trains still the most beautiful places in Europe. Wagons of the highest standard, excellent cuisine, a truly historic scenery and exceptional personal service will allow you to experience a lot of unforgettable and romantic moments. Getting on the Venice Simplon legendary - Orient - Express travel will be restored, but the original cars from the twenties of the last century - the most bright era.